Artists-in-Residence After-School Program

The Artist-in-Residence initiative places actors who happen to also be certified teachers in schools to work with students in a 2-3 days per week after-school program that will continue for the school year. High School Theatre Departments can choose from the following courses:

  • Evolution of Theatre - An interactive theatre history

  • Playwriting: Creating your own story

  • Acting in Contemporary Plays

  • Playing Shakespeare

  • Greek Theatre and Chorus

  • What do I Wear? Costumes through the Ages

College Level Courses

Exposing college students to thought-provoking live theatre can be a life changing experience. It can challenge students to examine their own views and see people’s approach to life from a more humanistic perspective. For many, it may also be the first time that they have ever seen a live dramatic performance and it could ignite a lifelong love of the arts.

PICT Classic Theatre would like to expand our educational programs to area college students to offer them exposure to live theatre at a rate that is affordable to them. Group sales will be arranged through direct contact between PICT and university representatives. For individual tickets, student will be required to present an active student ID.

PICT will identify and communicate with appropriate university representatives and provide universities with marketing materials (i.e. bookmarks, posters for each show and a description of available discount tickets and procedure for purchasing tickets) and request they display posters and distribute materials. PICT will also hold pre-show lectures and post-show talkbacks and encourage students to attend these sessions


At the performances, students will also be offered information about applying for internships at PICT that would take their learning to an even greater level.

The interns will work alongside our professional team in areas such as directing and acting, stage management, and arts administration. Interns will also learn technical design and construction in the areas of set, lighting, projection, and costume design,

The intern selections are by a scheduled interview with our Artistic Director and Education & Outreach Committee.

We hope to re-activate a new internship program in 2025. Information about internships will be available at each performance and PICT staff will be on hand to discuss these opportunities.

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